Efficient tools to build your streaming infrastructure

Nimble Streamer Native API Reference

This Nimble Streamer Native Built-In API Reference page provides information about the set of API methods available for a Nimble Streamer instance. The APIs can be used for obtaining real-time status of the instance and controlling some of its parameters and features. APIs works directly with the instance without any delays and can be accessed using HTTP calls with either GET, POST, or DELETE requests. The API can provide information such as server basic status, live outgoing streams status, RTMP re-publishing status, MPEG-TS incoming streams status, Icecast stream information, server playout current status, and many more.

Nimble Streamer HTTP API

Nimble Streamer accepts HTTP calls to control its behavior and to get some stats and other data.
Each call is a GET, POST or DELETE request via HTTP.
As a response you get JSON structure with required data or raw data in case of MP4 archive.

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Starting point: enable API access

To make Nimble Streamer responding to API requests, the API settings must be set up in /etc/nimble/nimble.conf configuration file. You may check config description to get details about other parameters.
All parameters mentioned below are excluded from config by default.


This parameter specifies which IP addresses will be used for accepting API requests. If it's not set, the API requests are not accepted.

management_listen_interfaces = * - all available interfaces are used
management_listen_interfaces =,


This one specifies which port is used to listen to API requests. If it's missing, the 8082 port is used.

management_port = 8086


This parameters specifies the token (i.e. password) which is used for authorizing API requests. See Making authorized requests section below for details.
If this parameter is missing, there will be no authorization made and anyone will be able to get information.

management_token = mypassword

Option: Making authorized requests

This is an optional step for the cases when you use management_token parameter for authorizing requests. To make authorized requests you need to make MD5 hash based on the specified token.
Please refer to this code sample to see how you can generate this hash.

$salt= rand(0, 1000000);
$key = "mypassword"; // the token specified in management_token parameter
$str2hash = $salt . "/". $key;
$md5raw = md5($str2hash, true);
$base64hash = base64_encode($md5raw);
$request_url = "$salt&hash=$base64hash";
echo $request_url;

API usage

Get server basic status

This API method allows getting current status of server instance.

Request URL:
Response parameters:

  • Connections - Number of active connections*
  • OutRate - Current transmission speed, bits per seconds*
  • ap - Available processors
  • scl - System CPU load
  • tpms - Total physical memory size
  • fpms - Free physical memory size
  • tsss - Total swap space size
  • fsss - Free swap space size
  • RamCacheSize - RAM cache size
  • FileCacheSize - File cache size
  • MaxRamCacheSize - Maximum RAM cache size
  • MaxFileCacheSize - Maximum file cache size

* Connections and OutRate are calcualted only if Nimble instance is registered in WMSPanel.

Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:
{"Connections": 10, "OutRate": 5120000, "SysInfo": {"ap":2,"scl":0,"tpms":2098434048,"fpms":775127040,"tsss":2145382400,"fsss":1707151360}}

Get live outgoing streams status

This method allows getting current status of outgoing streams for all supported protocols.
Note: /manage/rtmp_status is considered deprecated.

Request URL:
Response parameters:

  • app - name of application; if there are several applications, they will have their
  • streams - list of streams and their parameters
    • strm - stream name
    • bandwidth - encoding bandwidth
    • resolution - video resolution
    • vcodec - video codec spec
    • acodec - audio code spec
    • protocol - protocol name
    • source_url - URL of source stream in case of pulling RTMP/RTSP streams
    • publisher_ip - publisher's source IP in case RTMP/RTSP/SRT streams are pushed into Nimble instance
    • publisher_port - publisher's source PORT in case RTMP/RTSP/SRT streams are pushed into Nimble instance
Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:
      "app" : "live",
      "streams" : [
            "acodec" : "mp4a.40.2",
            "vcodec" : "avc1.42c01f",
            "publish_time" : "1524060893",
            "bandwidth" : "1697348",
            "protocol" : "RTSP",
            "resolution" : "1280x720",
            "strm" : "stream_rtsp",
            "source_url" : "rtmp://"
            "publisher_ip": "",
            "publisher_port": 60349
            "vcodec" : "avc1.42c01f",
            "publish_time" : "1524060893",
            "acodec" : "mp4a.40.2",
            "strm" : "stream_rtmp",
            "bandwidth" : "1698536",
            "protocol" : "RTMP",
            "resolution" : "1280x720",
            "publisher_ip" : ""
            "vcodec" : "avc1.64001e",
            "publish_time" : "1524060893",
            "bandwidth" : "286200",
            "resolution" : "640x360",
            "protocol" : "ENCODER",
            "strm" : "stream_360p"

Get the list of active sessions

This method allows getting the list of all active end-user sessions. So whoever is watching or listening streams, their sessions will be shown.
This allows collecting and analysing current viewers and gather basic stats. You can also disconnect any of these sessions using /manage/sessions/delete method.

Request URL:
Response parameters:

  • id - uniue ID of the session
  • app - application name
  • stream - stream name
  • type - transmission protocol (HLS, RTMP etc)
  • bytes_recv - amount of data received from a client within this session
  • bytes_sent - amount of data sent to a client within this session
  • created - UTC timestamp of when this session was created
  • last_access - UTC timestamp of when this session was updated last time
  • client_ip - IP address of the viewer
  • user_agent - User Agent of the client
  • ppv_id - PPV ID if this session is using PPV signature
Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:
    "user_agent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36"

Delete specific client sessions

This method allows deleting any specific session or sessions based on the IDs from /manage/sessions method.
When HLS or MPEG-DASH session is deleted, a client gets 403 HTTP response. For other protocols, (MPEG-TS/Icecast/RTMP/RTSP/SRT) the client is just disconnected.

Request URL:
Request parameters:

  • data - array of session IDs that need to be deleted
Request example:
curl -X POST --data '[4,5]'
Response example:

Get RTMP settings

This method allows getting settings of RTMP streaming.

Request URL:
Response parameters:They are nested under RtmpSettings node.

  • hash - response hash
  • interfaces - which interfaces are set to process RTMP streaming
  • login - login for RTMP publishing
  • password - password for RTMP publishing
  • duration - default chunk duration
  • protocols - which protocols' streams are generated as output
  • apps - specific applications' settings
  • abr - individual ABR streams settings
    • app - application name
    • stream - stream name
    • streams - single bitrate streams included into the ABR, each having its app and stream names
Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:
  "RtmpSettings": {

Get RTMP re-publishing status

This GET method allows getting current status of RTMP streams re-publishing.

Request URL:
Response parameters: All are nested under "stats" node.

  • rule_id - unique RTMP republish rule ID for further usage.
  • state - is the stream connected or not.
  • session_duration - duration of session.
  • bandwidth - current bandwidth.
  • bytes_recv - quantity of bytes received.
  • bytes_sent - quantity of bytes sent.
  • owner - which side has set this rule: 0 is for WMSPanel, 1 is for Nimble API.
  • retry_count - number of retries of this re-publisher if there where session breaks.
  • src_app - source application name.
  • src_stream - source stream name. If not specified, then all streams from the source application are republished.
  • dest_addr - destination URL or IP address where the application stream/streams are published.
  • dest_port - destination port.
  • dest_app - name of destination streaming application.
  • dest_stream - destination stream name.
Another basic field is "status" to show current status of re-publisher.Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:
 "stats" : [
       "bandwidth" : 613564,
       "bytes_recv" : 3485,
       "bytes_sent" : 8166049,
       "dest_addr" : "",
       "dest_app" : "live-re",
       "dest_port" : 1999,
       "dest_stream" : "dest_stream",
       "owner" : 1,
       "retry_count" : 1,
       "rule_id" : "1",
       "session_duration" : 102,
       "src_app" : "live",
       "src_stream" : "stream",
       "state" : "connected"
 "status" : "Ok"

Get RTMP re-publishing rules list

This GET method allows getting list of RTMP streams re-publishing rules which were created via Nimble API only.
For full list please refer to WMSPanel control API reference.

Request URL:
Response parameters:
All are nested under "rules" node, with each rule having its nested node. Another node is "status" which indicates the status of request.

  • id - unique RTMP republish rule ID for further usage.
  • src_app - source application name.
  • src_stream - source stream name. If not specified, then all streams from the source application are republished.
  • dest_addr - destination URL or IP address where the application stream/streams are published.
  • dest_port - destination port.
  • dest_app - name of destination streaming application.
  • dest_stream - destination stream name.
  • dest_app_params - special parameters for destination streaming application.
  • dest_stream_params - special parameters for destination stream.
  • auth_schema - authentication schema for destination. Can be "NONE", "NIMBLE", "AKAMAI", "LIMELIGHT" or "PERISCOPE".
  • dest_login - login for authentication on destination. Relevant for "NIMBLE", "AKAMAI" and "LIMELIGHT" authentication schemas.
  • dest_password - password for authentication on destination. Relevant for "NIMBLE", "AKAMAI" and "LIMELIGHT" authentication schemas.
  • keep_src_stream_params - indicates source stream parameters handling mode. Should be true to keep source stream parameters in destination stream. Default value is false.
  • ssl - indicates SSL usage. If not specified, then it's automatically set to false. If set to true, then correct SSL port should be specified (usually 443). Relevant for "NONE" and "NIMBLE" authentication schemas.
Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:
   "rules" : [
         "auth_schema" : "NONE",
         "dest_addr" : "",
         "dest_app" : "live-re",
         "dest_app_params" : "",
         "dest_login" : "",
         "dest_password" : "",
         "dest_port" : 1999,
         "dest_stream" : "stream1",
         "dest_stream_params" : "",
         "id" : "1",
         "keep_src_stream_params" : false,
         "src_app" : "live",
         "src_stream" : "stream",
         "ssl" : false
         "auth_schema" : "NONE",
         "dest_addr" : "",
         "dest_app" : "live-re",
         "dest_app_params" : "",
         "dest_login" : "",
         "dest_password" : "",
         "dest_port" : 1999,
         "dest_stream" : "stream2",
         "dest_stream_params" : "",
         "id" : "2",
         "keep_src_stream_params" : false,
         "src_app" : "live",
         "src_stream" : "stream",
         "ssl" : false
   "status" : "Ok"

Get RTMP re-publishing rule

This GET method allows getting certain RTMP stream re-publishing rule.

Request URL:
Request parameters:
All are nested under "rules" node, with each rule having its nested node. Another node is "status" which indicates the status of request.

  • src_app- source application name.
  • src_stream - source stream name. If not specified, then all streams from the source application are republished.
  • dest_addr - destination URL or IP address where the application stream/streams are published.
  • dest_port - destination port.
  • dest_app - name of destination streaming application.
  • dest_stream - destination stream name.
  • dest_app_params - special parameters for destination streaming application.
  • dest_stream_params - special parameters for destination stream.
  • auth_schema - authentication schema for destination. Can be "NONE", "NIMBLE", "AKAMAI", "LIMELIGHT" or "PERISCOPE".
  • dest_login - login for authentication on destination. Relevant for "NIMBLE", "AKAMAI" and "LIMELIGHT" authentication schemas.
  • dest_password - password for authentication on destination. Relevant for "NIMBLE", "AKAMAI" and "LIMELIGHT" authentication schemas.
  • keep_src_stream_params - indicates source stream parameters handling mode. Should be true to keep source stream parameters in destination stream. Default value is false.
  • ssl - indicates SSL usage. If not specified, then it's automatically set to false. If set to true, then correct SSL port should be specified (usually 443). Relevant for "NONE" and "NIMBLE" authentication schemas.
Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:
   "rules" : [
         "auth_schema" : "NONE",
         "dest_addr" : "",
         "dest_app" : "live-re",
         "dest_app_params" : "",
         "dest_login" : "",
         "dest_password" : "",
         "dest_port" : 1999,
         "dest_stream" : "stream1",
         "dest_stream_params" : "",
         "id" : "1",
         "keep_src_stream_params" : false,
         "src_app" : "live",
         "src_stream" : "stream",
         "ssl" : false
   "status" : "Ok"

Create RTMP re-publishing rule

This POST method allows creating a new RTMP re-publishing rule.
Notice that re-publishing setting defined by this API call are not persistent and they are reset after Nimble Streamer re-load. If you'd like to keep them, you should use WMSPanel control API instead.

Request URL:
Request parameters:

  • src_app - source application name.
  • src_stream - source stream name. If not specified, then all streams from the source application are republished.
  • dest_addr - destination URL or IP address where the application stream/streams are published.
  • dest_port - destination port.
  • dest_app - name of destination streaming application.
  • dest_stream - destination stream name.
  • dest_app_params - special parameters for destination streaming application.
  • dest_stream_params - special parameters for destination stream.
  • auth_schema - authentication schema for destination. Can be "NONE", "NIMBLE", "AKAMAI", "LIMELIGHT" or "PERISCOPE".
  • dest_login - login for authentication on destination. Relevant for "NIMBLE", "AKAMAI" and "LIMELIGHT" authentication schemas.
  • dest_password - password for authentication on destination. Relevant for "NIMBLE", "AKAMAI" and "LIMELIGHT" authentication schemas.
  • keep_src_stream_params - indicates source stream parameters handling mode. Should be true to keep source stream parameters in destination stream. Default value is false.
  • ssl - indicates SSL usage. If not specified, then it's automatically set to false. If set to true, then correct SSL port should be specified (usually 443). Relevant for "NONE" and "NIMBLE" authentication schemas.
Response parameters will have same set of fields under "rules" node, plus "id" field to indicate what ID was assigned to this new rule. It'll also have "status" field to indicate the result of the call.

Request example:
curl -vX POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"src_app": "live", "src_stream": "stream", "dest_addr": "", "dest_port":"1999", "dest_app": "live-re", "dest_stream": "dest_stream"}'
Response example:
  "status": "Ok",

Delete RTMP re-publishing setting

This DELETE method allows deleting specified setting of RTMP stream re-publishing.
Notice that re-publishing setting defined by this API call are not persistent and they are reset after Nimble Streamer re-load. If you'd like to keep them, you should use WMSPanel control API instead.

Request URL:
Response parameters: Response has "status" filed with either "Ok" or "NotFound".

Request example:
curl -X DELETE
Response example:

{"status": "Ok"}
{"status": "NotFound"}

Get MPEG-TS incoming streams status

This method allows getting the current status of MPEG-TS incoming streams (from "MPEGTS In" settings section).

Request URL:
Response parameters:
Depend on type of the stream, fields will be similar to other calls' fields.

Request example:
curl -vvv

Get MPEG-TS settings

This method allows getting current status of MPEG-TS streaming.

Request URL:
Response parameters:
Depend on type of the stream, fields will be similar to other calls' fields.

Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:

  "CamerasHash": "1623888659745",
  "Cameras": [
      "id": "60cabad9f776481a8719c760",
      "ip": "",
      "port": 3131,
      "protocol": "udp"
      "id": "60307b55f7764826190e3c31",
      "ip": "",
      "port": 49002,
      "protocol": "srt",
      "receive_mode": "listen"
      "id": "5f76b049f776487f9fca1d16_1621821016071",
      "ip": "",
      "port": 49101,
      "protocol": "rist",
      "receive_mode": "listen",
      "parameters": [
          "name": "rist-logging",
          "value": "debug"
          "name": "rist-stats-interval",
          "value": "15"

Get SRT sender and receiver stats

These methods allow getting current sender and receiver stats for SRT streams.

Request URL:
Response parameters:
Returned fields are defined by SRT protocol spec.

Requests examples:
curl -vvv
curl -vvv

Get NDI streams list

This method allows getting list of NDI streams available on the server.

Request URL:
Requests examples:
curl -vvv

Get RIST sender and receiver stats

These methods allow getting current sender and receiver stats for RIST streams.
In order to use these API calls, you need to add "rist-stats-interval" parameter into RIST output and input respectively, setting interval in seconds.

Request URL:
Response parameters:
Returned fields are defined by RIST protocol spec.

Requests examples:
curl -vvv
curl -vvv

Get Icecast stream information

This API method allows getting information about existing Icecast stream. Response parameters are taken from Icecast metadata settings, most of which can be set up via WMSPanel UI.

Request URL:
Response parameters:

  • icy-name - channel name
  • icy-description - channel description
  • icy-genre - channel genre
  • icy-br - channel bitrate, Kbps
  • streamtitle - current track title embedded in Icecast stream metadata
Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:
{"icy-name":"Radio name","icy-description":"Radio description","icy-genre":"jazz", "icy-br":128, "streamtitle":"Song Name"}

Insert Icecast metadata into RTMP stream

This POST method injects Icecast metadata into /<app>/<stream> RTMP stream.
Read Manual ingest of Icecast metadata into RTMP via API article for more details.
Request URL:
Request example:
curl -vvv -d "{\"streamtitle\":\"title\", \"streamurl\":\"url\"}"
Response example:
{"status": "Ok"}

Insert SCTE-35 Out marker

This POST method triggers insertion for SCTE35 Out marker into /<app>/<stream> if that stream is configured with "time_sync":"scte35" in Nimble Advertizer. It also allows setting the "duration" parameter to set the time in seconds for returning from ads.
Read SCTE-35 marker insertion article and Nimble Advertizer spec for more details.
Notice that this feature requires Addenda license to operate.
Request URL:
Request examples:
curl -vX POST
curl -vX POST
Response example:
{"status": "Ok"}

Insert SCTE-35 In marker

This POST method triggers insertion for SCTE35 In marker into /<app>/<stream> if that stream is configured with "time_sync":"scte35" in Nimble Advertizer.
Read SCTE-35 marker insertion article and Nimble Advertizer spec for more details.
Request URL:
Request example:
curl -vX POST
Response example:
{"status": "Ok"}

Get server playlist current status

This method allows getting the status of output streams generated by Server Playout feature set.

Request URL:
Response parameters:

  • stream - appname and streamname of the output generated stream;
  • block_id - the ID of currently played block;
  • block_name - block description from "Name" field;
  • next_block_id - ID of the next block to play;
  • next_block_name - description of the next block from its "Name" field;
  • block_duration - the duration of currently played block;
  • main_stream - appname and streamname of currently played source stream;
  • main_stream_type - type of currently played source stream;
  • main_stream_duration - the duration of currently played stream;
  • default_stream - if currently played source stream is replaced with a default stream, this parameter shows its app and streamname;
  • default_stream_type - type of default stream;
  • default_stream_duration - the duration of current default stream.
Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:
    "stream": "live/first_playlist",
    "block_id": "33",
    "block_duration": 45,
    "main_stream": "live/stream1",
    "main_stream_type": "live",
    "main_stream_duration": 45,
    "default_stream": "/home/content/mp4/sample.mp4",
    "default_stream_type": "vod",
    "default_stream_duration": 45
    "stream": "live/second_playlist",
    "block_id": "33",
    "block_duration": 113,
    "main_stream": "live/stream2",
    "main_stream_type": "live",
    "main_stream_duration": 113

Please refer to Server Playout specification for more details about the feature set and the meaning of each parameter.

Publish control: Get published streams status

This method allows getting the status of published streams as part of publish control framework for RTMP and RTSP published streams.

Request URL:
Response parameters:

  • key - session key;
  • id - publisher ID within your business logic;
  • ip - the IP address of the publisher;
  • stream - the URI of the stream which is being published.
Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:
    {"key":"1", "id":"ID_1", "ip":"","stream":"live/stream1"},
    {"key":"2", "id":"ID_2", "ip":"","stream":"live/stream2"}

Please refer to publish control framework description for more details.

Publish control: Send the list of denied IDs

This method sends to Nimble Streamer a list of blocked sessions. It's a POST request.
This is part of publish control framework for RTMP and RTSP published streams.

Request URL:
Request parameters:

  • PublishControlDenyRequest - array of blocked IDs;
Response parameters:
  • status - shows if IDs have been denied;
Request example:
curl -v -X POST -d '{"PublishControlDenyRequest":["1", "2"]}'
Response example:

Please refer to publish control framework description for more details.

Get DVR archives

This method allows getting list of the DVR archives (or archive for specified stream) and their detailed info.

Request URL:
Request parameters:

  • timeline - shows timeline of archives
  • application/stream - show information only for specified stream (e.g. /manage/dvr_status/live/stream will only return information for stream "live/steam")
Response parameters:
  • size - size of all segments of archive
  • bandwidth - size devided by duration
  • resolution - stream resolution
  • acodec - audio codec
  • vcodec - video codec
  • path - archive path
  • space_available - free space available for archive
  • periods - a number of sessions in archive (e.g. how many times it was pulled/pushed)
  • stream - stream name
  • duration - total duration of archive
  • timeline - set of pairs for duration and time for each session
Request example:
curl -vvv
Response example:
      "size" : 11333929,
      "bandwidth" : 1619128,
      "resolution" : "1080x608",
      "periods" : 1,
      "stream" : "live/stream1",
      "acodec" : "mp4a.40.2",
      "vcodec" : "avc1.4d401f",
      "path" : "/var/cache/nimble/dvr/live/stream1",
      "duration" : 56,
      "space_available" : 57962266624,
      "timeline" : [
            "duration" : 56,
            "start" : 1470753122
      "size" : 22041265,
      "bandwidth" : 1663488,
      "resolution" : "1080x608",
      "periods" : 2,
      "stream" : "live/stream2",
      "acodec" : "mp4a.40.2",
      "vcodec" : "avc1.4d401f",
      "space_available" : 57962266624,
      "path" : "/var/cache/nimble/dvr/live/stream2",
      "duration" : 106,
      "timeline" : [
            "start" : 1470753194,
            "duration" : 53
            "duration" : 53,
            "start" : 1470753378

Export DVR archive content to MP4

This method allows getting MP4 file for DVR archive for specified stream.

Request URL:
Request parameters:

  • start - get content recorded after the specified Unix epoch timestamp, e.g. from=1507732548
  • end - get only content recorded prior to the specified Unix epoch timestamp, e.g. to=1507732600
Request example:
curl -o archive.mp4 -v ""
response body carries the entire result MP4 file.

Clean up DVR archive

This POST method allows cleaning the DVR archive for designated stream.

Request URL:
Request parameters:

  • target_depth - preserve last N minutes of recording
  • from - clean only content recorded after the specified Unix epoch timestamp, e.g. from=1507732548
  • to (older_than) - clean only content recorded prior to the specified Unix epoch timestamp, e.g. to=1507732600

Response parameters:
  • status - shows the result
Request example:
curl -X POST
Response example:
{"status": "Ok"} or {"status": "Not found"}

Get cache key for cached item

This GET method allows getting a cache key for any item in Nimble cache for further removal. This relates to re-streaming use cases (including remote VOD).

Request URL:
Request parameters:

  • url - URL of the file or a playlist.

Response parameters:
  • status - shows the result
  • key - the key to the item
Request example:
curl -v -d '{"url":""}'
Response example:

Delete an item from Nimble cache

This POST method deletes all items from Nimble cache by a cache key. This relates to re-streaming use cases (including remote VOD). For HLS items it deletes a playlist, chunk lists and chunks related to specified file.

Request URL:
Request parameters:

  • key - cache item key to delete
  • dry_run - if set to true, the method call will return the list of items to be deleted, without deleting them

Response parameters:
  • status - shows the result
  • removed_items - list of deleted cache items
Request example:
curl -sX POST -d '{"key":"", "dry_run":false}'
Response example:
{"status": "NotFound"}
{ "removed_items" : [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "status" : "Ok"}

Reload SSL certificates

This POST method allows reloading SSL certificates.

Request URL:
Request example:
curl -X POST

Re-sync Nimble Streamer with WMSPanel

This POST method forces Nimble Streamer to reload config from WMSPanel.

Request URL:
Request example:
curl -X POST

Reload Nimble Streamer config

This POST method allows reloading Nimble Streamer config without restarting server. By default, only rules.conf is reloaded. If you want to reload drm.conf to apply new DRM settings on-the-fly, add drm=true parameter as shown below.

Request URL:
Request example:
curl -X POST

Expand all

Collapse all

Zabbix monitoring of Nimble Streamer and SRT streams uses API calls for obtaining required information.

WMSPanel control HTTP API

WMSPanel web panel allows controlling Nimble Streamer and getting aggregated server statistics via HTTP API. The control API methods reflect all major control features accessible via web UI so this brings ability for streaming automation.
Please check WMSPanel API reference for more details.

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