Efficient tools to build your streaming infrastructure

Larix Tuner

Orchestrate multiple Larix Broadcaster apps via a simple web service

Larix Broadcaster provides a wide range of streaming features for Android and Apple devices. No wonder many professional and amateur creators use it intensively on multiple devices for remote production scenarios.

However, REMI brings additional challenges for producers and content creators. Whether you’re a studio producer, a live stream director, or just a streaming enthusiast with several devices on the spot, you may want to configure and control all those multiple instances from a single place.

More devices bring more challenges

There are a few typical problems that remote production producers may face in that regard:

  • The procurement department needs to purchase Larix Premium for different contributors and transfer the purchased licenses among devices.
  • REMI producers want to get diagnostics of remote devices: see streaming stats to make infrastructure adjustments.
  • Remote contributors in the field need to get new connections settings easy and precise to stream to the right servers in studios facilities.
  • Multiple mobile devices are set on site (e.g., basketball court) to send streams from different angles. Each device needs to be controlled remotely: define settings, start/stop stream, mute/unmute, enable overlays, etc.

Larix Tuner was created to solve these problems.

Orchestrate Larix Broadcaster via Larix Tuner

With Larix Tuner, you can control your Larix Broadcaster app instances via a single web service.

  • Remotely enable and disable Larix Premium limitations.
  • Back up and restore device streaming settings.
  • Track streaming statistics from each device over time.

Other features being developed right now:

  • Set current streaming configuration of the apps in the account.
  • Set video and audio encoder settings, define overlays, and more.
  • Preview video feed in control UI.
  • Start/stop/pause/resume streams, mute/unmute, control overlays behavior.
  • Operate app instances via service REST API to customize workflow outside the web UI.


The workflow is simple:

  1. Sign up for Larix Tuner or log in if you have one.
  2. Create a license for a number of devices and subscribe for it.
  3. Pass the license to your contributors via QR code, deep link or as plain ID.
  4. Activate the license on each device.
  5. Use Larix Tuner web UI as needed.
  6. Add devices to licenses and activate them within apps any time.

Once the license is activate on device, Larix Broadcaster enabled all features available under Larix Premium limitations.

Right after license activation, Larix Broadcaster will sync up its settings into Larix Tuner for backup purposes. You will then be able to set the sync up interval for making backups. If your device somehow looses Larix settings or you move to another device, you can restore them from a QR code or a deep link.

You can also track streaming statistics of remote contributors both real-time and as daily stats.

Watch this video tutorial to see activation and backup in action:


It’s as little as 10 USD per month per device.

You may create multiple licenses. Each license may cover multiple devices. This way, you can create separate licenses for different groups of contributors.

Read more about Larix Tuner pricing.

Now upgrade your Larix Broadcaster on your contributors’ devices, sign up for Larix Tuner account, define a number of devices in your first license then subscribe for it. You can then activate that license in your Larix Broadcaster instances, as described in the workflow above.

Let us know of any questions, issues or suggestions.