Efficient tools to build your streaming infrastructure


Phone Takeover: Replacing Pro Cameras in Live Streaming

A mobile device with the right software is now a tool that can replace some of the traditional live production equipment such as low- and mid-tier cameras and encoders. This reduces both upfront capital expenses, like equipment purchases, and operational costs for live content creators.

Automated voice recognition setup in Nimble Streamer

The Nimble Streamer team has recently introduced speech recognition and translation for live streaming powered by Whisper.cpp AI engine. It’s an important feature set that allows live content to be more accessible for any audience and improve overall user experience. In this article, we’ll describe how to enable and set up automatic voice recognition and […]

Introducing Larix Tuner: Streamline Your Remote Production

Softvelum is excited to introduce Larix Tuner, a new web service designed to simplify the management of multiple Larix Broadcaster instances. With Tuner, you can control your Larix Broadcaster app instances via a single web service, making it easier than ever to handle remote production. Here’s how Larix Tuner can enhance your workflow: Larix Tuner […]